Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tummy Time

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear ittle Isabella,

    I just got a chance to look at your blog now that I had a day off. (You already know about work from going with Mom, huh?, Hard to get her attention?) You look ever so cute and you are the apple of your Mom and Dad's eyes and heart. Glad to see you are such a Portland girl traveling down Hawthorne already. (Stay out of Imelda's for a while.) As you grow you'll find you live in such a lovely city. I hope your Mom and Dad will let me take you shopping one of these days and maybe to a the art museum and to hear some music. It's a beautiful world and you are now a part of it. Well, your photos are beautiful and may your days always be as safe as warm as they are now when you are in your Mom and Dad's arms.

    Looking forward to seeing you in person. Love you already!

    Your cousin,

