Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dancing Girl

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One-year Check Up

I could not keep Isabella contained at her one year check up. She was so excited to see her doctor and nurse. Waving hello and pointing to both of them. Consistently walking and crawling to the mirror, she did not want to be contained to the table. I finally allowed her to walk around the room, which surpisingly is not childproof. Isabella received a few shots but overall had a really good check up. She weighs 20.1 pounds and is only 28.5" long. She is a petite little girl.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy First Birthday!!

Isabella had a delightful first birthday. She slept in, played, ate and then napped before her big party. The Winter Onderland Birthday Party was a lot of fun. She enjoyed visiting with her Oregon family. When it came time for her cake, at first she hesitated as everyone's eyes were watching her, but then as the singing came she squealed in joy and even clapped. Then the best part, the cake! She ate one bite and decided it was for her. It was a great first birthday celebration!!