Saturday, February 28, 2009


I went on my first shopping outing with mom and Aunt Gretchen for shoes!!!

Of course Aunt Gretchen took me to my first sports bar.

Hanging Out in my Play Yard

Love my Swing

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crazy about my stuffed animals

I love the stuffed animals Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ashley sent me. They are as big as me:)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Waking Up

Here I am waking up. My parents just love watching me.

The Oregon Coast

I am having a great time at the Oregon Coast. Our first night there was a beautiful sunset. I even got to visit with Aunt Gretchen and soon to be uncle Jason.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I met my cousins yesterday. They were awfully sweet to me. It was fun to watch them play. I mostly slept and ate. We all are born on the 2nd day of our birthday months.

Valentine's Day

Daddy bought me a cute dress and gave me lots of kisses.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

First Snowfall

I got all bundled up to go out in my first snowfall since my birthday.

Even though it was only from the house to the car.

First Bath in the Tub

I love taking bath's especially getting my hair washed. My dad didn't want this picture to be to revealing so he covered me up!

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Road Trip

I slept the entire 2 hours on my first road trip. My parents thought I was a perfect angel until that night when I didn't fall asleep until 4 am.


Here are some photos from the hospital.

My name

I did not have a name until my third day. Everyone called me Baby Bean Maltase.

Isabella's First Day

Hi All,

Here is my first day. I was born Jan. 2nd at 10:02 am and was 8 pds. 13 oz and 22 inches long. It was a long labor! It took me 23 hours. My grandfather says I am stubborn like my mom:) The first person to hold me was my great aunt Barb. She helped make the stay a great experience along with all her coworkers!!